Dubai – UAE
In 2024, KEFTARO was given a great challenge to develop website for SEAS Shipping Company, an integrated land, air and sea logistics service provider in 2024. When we started the project, we were operating under very narrow time limits – as little as 12 hours in some cases, when we developed the websites from scratch with almost no resources available from the company at first.
Despite the fact that the company did not provide the materials and images, the KEFTARO’s experience in the digital world was impressive when we developed a professional and engaging online presence for SEAS. We were able to use our knowledge of the logistics industry to produce useful and relevant content and elements that would help SEAS present their full range of transportation services. The final product was a fully functional and visually appealing website that was developed in a short time. This project is a clear example of how KEFTARO is capable of providing top-notch digital solutions within a short time, displaying professionalism and innovation when it comes to turning constraints into opportunities. The successful implementation of this project not only addressed the immediate needs of SEAS but also revealed the capability of our team in providing quick turnaround web solutions without compromising on quality and professionalism.